Cherished Implications
Dengcoy Miel/ Jose Tence Ruiz
September 27 to November 08, 2020
The show we deliver is titled Cherished Implications, not a direct quote from the corollary of us being enmeshed, absorbed, identified, labeled, and hopefully critical method. An excerpt from Flores precedes this text and reads thus:
Her sensitivity to humanistic philosophy, materialist critique, and the history of art strongly places her at an angle of vision to enable her to discern the nodes of context and the elucidations of emergence. Forms, therefore, are rooted and yet released, relativized and yet distinguished, cherished and yet implicated.
The act of cherishing and at once being implicated, apropos to the times, infects the creative modus of both Miel and myself, as we extrude images close to our inner gearwork, cherished, attended to, focused, tabled, favored, prioritized with the corollary of us being enmeshed, absorbed, identified, labeled, and hopefully remembered, if only through works, visualizations of this societal sludge which we, like most everyone else, are tenaciously parsing.
-Jose Tence Ruiz