Fifth Twin, Twenty One (My Favorite Things)
Alwin Reamillo
March 14 to April 21, 2021
Reamillo has through the years been very much aware of his own embrace of multicultural tolerance, thus his artistic manner of treating whatever subject comes to him at any given moment: he finds it necessary to instigate that very multiculturalism, be it by means of surrealistic imagery, the appropriation of context-specific images or the repurposing of purposeful objects, or the referencing of various histories (say, via the jumbling of time and chronologies)…
It is in this manner of tackling a subject that Reamillo would deconstruct an existing metanarrative around it, simply by calling in all its inherent contradictions, patriotic and neocolonial ambiguities, as well as clarities and vaguenesses. In other words, what Reamillo would capture in his works would be an ecosystem of evolutions, for better or worse, along with the linguistic corruptions that accompany them, all of which would be his final subject hiding beneath the surface subject!
-Jojo Soria de Veyra