Billy Bagtas/ Jojo Barja/ Charlie Co/ Melvin Culaba/ Cedrick Dela Paz/ Jerson Samson/ Jojit Solano
June 10 to July 4, 2017
Words that are “loaded” teem with meaning, with layers of nuances, colored with pointed emotion, precise with their biases.
Things, like cars are fully “loaded” when embellished with an abundance of options; while guns and cameras are fully “loaded” with deadly bullets or light sensitive film, ready to be consumed, to be fired or to take shots with.
Places that are “loaded” burst with people, are overcrowded, overpopulated, crammed, fully packed with all sorts of visual and auditory noise.
People are labeled “loaded” when they are undoubtedly affluent, wealthy.
While some people are adjudged “loaded” or dopey, stewed, wiped out, wasted, bombed, or stoned; when they are under the influence of substances that alter mind, motivation, body, action, and conscience.

This is a collection of visual commentaries on loaded words, multi-faceted/double-faced people, real and imagined places and memories, mundane and everyday things, and altered states of mind.
Weaving loaded images, figures and forms come as second nature to these seven featured artists—all figurative expressionists, all adept in eloquently capturing intense narratives, complete with emotions and tensions. They are even eloquent in rendering life’s dread and darkness.