My Dearest
Annie Concepcion
September 7 to 25,2019
Sometimes we find ourselves in a recurring agency to manifest our love and hardships. In Concepcion’s first solo show, she communicated her very struggle and its profound consequences.
My Dearest is a personal demonstration of the artist’s relationship with her daughter, the boldness of overcoming familial tribulations, and the radiance of being triumphant. It is a beautiful manifestation of motherhood: where a new mother holds the infant in her arms and loves her in her whole being.

Concepcion had perceptively and ingeniously used lines as a depiction of this unconditional and eternal love – how lines can go on and on without warranting a concrete direction, like a mother’s love that does not demand return. The exhibit is a wonderful embodiment of gratitude without anticipating exchange and reciprocity. It was an expression of genuine humility through the acceptance of a gift that is having a child.
But like this sensation of motherhood, lines also go places, and it is unending. It creates an affinity to hope as an ultimate appeal.
-Karen Tesalona