Social Anesthesia
Tamer Karam
August 22 to September 26, 2021
Social Anesthesia encompass the reality of sheer difference where judgment and oppression occur. At a first glance, relativism seems to be the best approach in many situations. The act of agreeing to disagree, however, isn’t only tolerant but also does not foster discussion and human beings will then be inclined to misunderstand each other. The show challenges the normalization of apathy by bringing forth compelling real events that may be hard to digest but are authentic occurrences that deserved to be in the spotlight of discourse. It is difficult to always maintain a stance free of jadedness especially amidst all the reappearing social adversities, disturbing issues, and violence. It may be a useful step to return to the center piece and the act of self-internalization and realize that only when one interacts and hears out the other can he cultivate genuine ang lasting love, kindness, and empathy.
-Karen Tesalona